Friday, December 11, 2009

Gingerbread Cookies - 2009

Yesterday was a rough school day for Rubie. She brought home a note from her teacher about not following directions in chapel. One of her consequences was to write an apology letter to her teacher...

We were supposed to decorate gingerbread cookies yesterday, but because of the chapel incident, we had to wait until today.

By looking at Rubie's hair when I picked her up, one would think today was just as bad - but no note (couldn't have been that bad).

Yes, she is licking the cookie...

Seriously, her hair did not look like this when she went to school...


Kelli said...

I like the new hair do. It's sort of a Pippi Longstocking look.

Jennifer said...

The cookie looks yummy. Tell her to make me one, too!