Saturday, October 3, 2009


Rubie came home from preschool with her shoes on the wrong feet and a fever. I don't know what happened. Unfortunately, fever does not mean slow down and relax with Rubie. I found a great website that has ideas for art projects to keep her busy, but not hyper. It's called The Crafty Crow (sorry, I don't know how to link). We started by mixing colors...

Then we did some potato painting...

Mouse watched...

There were also movies involved...

Season art...

Then we made a color book out of brown paper bags...


Bargain is the New Black Gal said...

Love your art projects! The color book is adorable and I just love the seasons picture!

Hope Rubie is feeling better!

Jennifer said...

She looks like a sickie in her eyes. Poor baby. How is she doing now?