Monday, September 29, 2008

What 3 M&Ms Will Buy You

I was trying to practice for my portrait class, but Rubie wasn't having any of it - until I brought out the M&M bribe. Seriously, for Rubie's sanity, I need new subjects...

Look, twins...

You would think she was belting out the National Anthem, but in fact it was a colorful rendition of Itsy Bitsy Spider.....with feeling.


Anonymous said...

I so love Rubie's hair in these pictures!! She is such a beautiful little thing. About new subject? Seriously, Catie has to be in every.single.picture I take. I have to have someone sit on her if I'm trying to take a picture of the baby alone. Have at it when she's there!

julie said...

I will, I want her to be my homework subject!

Anonymous said...

The one with her hand by her face is so sweet. It's impressive that candy gets you that many photos. I told kids are totally available to pose, just be ready! One of them is a tyrant! :-)

Jenilee said...

awww bribing kids! The test of a true photographer hahaha

Bargain is the New Black Gal said...

I wish lived closer, maybe you'd get my rugrats to pose! Love the one of her and frenchie!